On behalf of Leather Export Comany, LECO.. I take this privilege to offer our services to all the esteemed buyers from all over the world.
In this connection we would like to put forward here that we are a well established buyer’s agent for the supply of hides & skins and vested ourselves with the guiding principle of satisfying the buyers with quality leathers at reasonable prices from reputed tanneries / producers. To achieve the objective of supplying quality goods we impart top most attention on Inspection of 100% goods piece by piece ensure quantity, measurement and timely delivery.
At the time of packing we ensure that only inspected / accepted goods are packed and shipped. Even after the receipt of the goods if any problem arises by the buyer we settle it amicably to safeguard the interest of the buyers. We are well equipped with experienced and highly skilled personnel and our office is situated at the nerve centre of all the tanneries in Savar, Dhaka. We regularly attend most and invariably important International leather fairs.
At length we are looking forward for more buyers with the request to provide us with the trial order so as to enable them to make their own judgment about our performance and quality of goods before placing bulk order and establishing business link with us.We also invite thoughtful suggestions from the valued buyers of hide and skins and will put the same in practices if found functional for further improvement of leather business for the greater interest of all concerned.
Wishing all the best to all the leather buyers through out the world.
Sheikh Mostafa Ahmad
Chief Executive Officer, CEO
Leather Export Company
Mobile: +88 01711 521413, +88 01678 800267